Wednesday July 03, 2024

Opening of allied industry urged

By Our Correspondent
April 26, 2020

KARACHI: Industrialists on Saturday said that though some export-oriented industries were allowed to work, they were still facing problems due to lockdown of associated industries.

Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers and Exporters Association Central Chairman Ch Salamat Ali said some export-oriented industry had resumed operations in a phased manner following government directives after a month-long lockdown. However, they were facing problems due to closure of their allied industries, which has disrupted the entire supply chain.

PHMA central chairman requested the government to also allow allied industries to operate during lockdown to provide their export industry relevant materials and supplies enabling them to complete export orders.

“In this connection, the allied industry was willing to fulfil all procedural requirement, compliance of SOPs and provision of undertaking in this regard,” he added.

Subsequent to the letter of federal secretary, Ministry of Commerce to all Provincial Chief Secretaries followed by verification of export orders by Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), the provincial governments were granting permissions to export industries, which have completed procedural requirements, given undertakings and ensured to follow SOPs.

Till date, TDAP has verified export orders of 608 export industries of Sindh, while the Sindh government through its Home Department has granted permission to 391 export industries. Grant of permission to 217 was under process, Ali said.