Friday October 18, 2024

Karachi hub of ‘terror financing’

Karachi has become a hub of “terror financing” for international outlawed networks like al-Qaeda, which amounts to billions of rupees used for alleged terrorist activities, but for the first time in the ongoing “Karachi operation”, names of high-profile politicians have also been linked to this business. Where will this situation

By Mazhar Abbas
September 29, 2015
Karachi has become a hub of “terror financing” for international outlawed networks like al-Qaeda, which amounts to billions of rupees used for alleged terrorist activities, but for the first time in the ongoing “Karachi operation”, names of high-profile politicians have also been linked to this business. Where will this situation ultimately lead and end?
Recent arrest of some al-Qaeda operators have unearthed how the group was involved in “terror financing” in coordination with some local groups (other than jihadi outfits).
All this had been happening in Sindh for the past a couple of years, but terror financing aspect was never touched upon, though action was taken against the suspected militants and many killed or arrested. This is for the first time its alleged inks with politicians are under probe since the raid on “fisheries” was conducted.
A prominent political figure whose case was even considered for military court, may now face Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC), is Dr Asim Hussain, a close aide of former president Asif Ali Zardari.
However, the final decision about his trial on “terror financing” will be taken at the higher level but the report is pending before Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan.
He will be facing different cases of corruption once the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) gets his custody. But for all practical purposes, Dr Asim’s political and professional career is at stake. Whether his investigation, interrogation and JIT, would lead to any further arrests is difficult to say at this stage, but the outburst on his arrest from the PPP and Sindh government raised many questions.
He will perhaps be the first politician or professional who would be facing multiple terrorism charges for allowing his hospital to secretly treat suspected target killers and accused of both Lyari gang war and MQM militants, without fulfilling the “medico-legal cover” or informing the police.
Asim, considered as a link between the PPP and MQM, was part of many negotiations between the two. How much he has opened up before the JIT is premature to say but his case may turn out to be a “nightmare” for some politicians.
It is difficult to assess the exact amount collected and used for terrorism, target killings and would be quite a challenge for the authorities to prove in the court of law, but to them, it is in billions and in some cases used to kill even political leaders.
The terrorists or militants used extortion, kidnapping for ransom and illegal occupation of prized lands as means for collecting money and allegedly used it in terrorism. Those politicians, bureaucrats and even police officers become part of this “chain.”
Sources said this huge amount of money had often been used for purchase of arms and ammunition. Billions of rupees were transferred through money changers or hundi while honest officers were sidelined.
Therefore, the most dangerous part which the investigators claimed is the nexus between international terror network and some political figures. Besides, the money had also been used in some global operations. Prior to 9/11, under world had roots in Karachi and it often used illegal money and at times, was accused in money laundering.
So, when a high official of a law enforcement agency termed nexus of “corruption, crime, terrorism, politics,” it’s quite depressing for genuine political workers who believe in clean politics. “When these cases will come up for trial you, it will become clear how terror and politics got mixed up.”
Karachi became a safe haven for terror networks like al-Qaeda after the US-led Nato attack on Afghanistan. The top most al-Qaeda fugitives like Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, Ramzi al-Shaiba and others made sleeper’s cells.
Since the group had sympathisers, who provided support to them, but with the passage of time many groups were declared outlawed and their accounts were also seized. The social and welfare bodies also faced similar problems. Thus, some of them established their links with political and religious parties.
Karachi, being economic hub of Pakistan, also became the hub of “terror financing”. When the first army operation was launched in 1992, terrorism or criminal activities were largely linked with ethnic and sectarian conflicts.
However, the issue of hundreds and thousands of Afghan refugees and suspected foreign militants often became headlines of newspapers in the absence of private TV. However, the “under world” factor was there, whose links with some political leaders were also suspected.
Karachi in the last one decade got more prominence due to big news linked with terrorism and arrest of terrorists rather than its economic activity. The city provided 70 percent revenue even in the worst scenario.
The hard time which the MQM is facing today has once again reminded of its style of politics, which always came under criticism. This is the fourth operation against them since 1992, but for the first time the party is facing complete political isolation. It is also the most difficult time for its chief Altaf Hussain, who besides being sick is facing a serious case in London linked to money laundering.
The PPP, on the other hand, despite being in the government in Sindh, has lost control since the Karachi operation sped up after January this year.
Altaf Hussain is facing charges in London and hundreds of its workers are on 90-day remand with Rangers on serious charges of target killing and extortion and all these things show things are getting from bad to worse for the PPP top leadership, now in Dubai.
The PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari since his controversial statement being taken very seriously by the establishment is certainly in trouble after the arrest and inquiries against some bureaucrats. The arrest of Dr Asim has made the situation worse.
But, the charge of “terror financing” got sharp reaction from the PPP, when for the first time Bilawal House was named in one of Rangers’ press releases. The PPP got themselves in deep trouble during the days of Dr Zulfikar Mirza, again a close friend of Zardari, before they parted ways. Mirza got Uzair Baloch, head of his own faction of Lyari gang, and used him against the MQM’s alleged militants.
There is no news about Uzair for the past two months. He had escaped after Karachi operation but was arrested near Dubai. But, where he is now and in whose custody? Mirza believes Uzair knows “too much”, and feared about his fate.
An explosive story, which is still under probe but could create real sensation, is the “conspiracy to kill Benazir Bhutto,” and the financial and logistic support provided in December 27, 2007 fatal attack on her. Though al-Qaeda has often been blamed for her assassination in connivance with local operators but a fresh investigation in the conspiracy to kill may bring some new players, who allegedly provided “financial support”. Some of them had been killed in drone attacks. Where will this probe ultimately lead to is still premature as the “trial” of some of the suspects arrested has already entered a final phase with key prosecution witness, American Mark Siegel, a close friend of BB, has agreed to record his statement via video link.
The term “terror financing”, particularly in the context of politicians, was not heard till the launch of “Karachi operation.” The disclosure for the first time was made sometime back before the Apex Committee.
Dr Asim, otherwise considered as a professional doctor with no direct political affiliations with any party, has turned out to be the most important man having links with both the PPP and MQM’s top leadership.
As Zardari has often been criticised for turning the PPP into Pakistan Petarian Party (reference to his friends from Petaro College, Jamshoro), Dr Asim was also considered among his closest. Thus, his entry in politics came after 1988 elections, when Zardari started getting prominence as spouse of Benazir Bhutto. Mirza too was once in the “Petarian group” and that was why he got interior ministry in Sindh.
Both the PPP and MQM, duly represented in Parliament and sharing almost 85 percent seats in the Sindh Assembly, have a task ahead to come out “clean”. While the MQM in the past has faced three operations, this looked like the decisive one.
For the PPP, which will be coming with new programme on its 48th Foundation Day on November 30, the task of removing the tag of corruption is most important. Can they do it by setting an example in Sindh? If a person like Dr Asim can be charged for terror links, it will be quite a blow for the party.
The dilemma of Sindh is that its politics is without an “alternative”. So, can these parties reform themselves and save Sindh from anarchy? But, imagine the scenario if some Pakistani politicians’ links with networks like al-Qaeda are established in “terror financing”.
The writer is a senior columnist and analyst of Geo, The News and Jang.