Friday February 28, 2025

Man names newly born puppies ‘Corona’ and ‘Virus’

By Syed Bukhar Shah
April 22, 2020

PESHAWAR: At a time when the entire world is grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic, a man hailing from Nowshera district has named his newly born two puppies ‘Corona’ and ‘Virus’ in order to have some fun.

Sitting at his dairy farm, Hamid Kheshgi said that he named the female puppy ‘Corona’ and the male ‘Virus’. Interestingly, both ‘Corona’ and ‘Virus’ recognized their names and rushed to him whenever he called them.

However, ‘Virus’ responded rather quickly than ‘Corona’ when their master mentioned their names. The people sitting in Hamid Kheshgi’s dairy farm were having fun while discussing the novel names of the novel coronavirus. One of them remarked that Hamid Kheshgi had expressed dislike for the pandemic by naming his puppies ‘Corona’ and ‘Virus’. One Jamal Khan said people often named their children after famous personalities. He recalled that many people had named their sons after the al-Qaeda head Osama bin Laden and the Iraqi President Saddam Hussain in the past to show their respect for them.

Jamal Khan was confident that the coronavirus pandemic would be overcome with the passage of time and the people would start a normal life, but these puppies with their unique names would remind them that the deadly pandemic had affected their lives and businesses.