Tuesday September 17, 2024

Virus exacerbating global diplomatic rift: France

April 21, 2020

PARIS: The coronavirus pandemic is exacerbating diplomatic “fractures”, heightening US-China rivalry and weakening multilateralism, France´s foreign minister said in an interview published on Monday. “It seems to me that we are witnessing an amplification of the fractures that have been undermining the international order for years. The pandemic is the continuation, by different means, of the struggle between powers,” Jean-Yves Le Drian told Le Monde newspaper. “My fear is that the world after (the outbreak) will strongly resemble the world before, but worse.”

Led by the United States, criticism has been mounting in the West over China´s management of the outbreak which has killed more than 164,000 people worldwide and hammered the global economy. The United States is now the country hardest hit by the epidemic, which broke out in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December before spreading worldwide. China has denied concealing any outbreak information or lying about its death toll, and has suggested in turn that the US military may have started the pandemic. The worsening spat follows a prolonged trade war and US accusations of Chinese industrial espionage and military expansionism in the South China Sea. Last week, US President Donald Trump announced a halt in World Health Organization funding partly because of what he said was the UN body´s kowtowing to Beijing. The president´s move, said Le Drian, was “yet another challenge to multilateralism”. The United States under Trump has already withdrawn from multiple international bodies and agreements. “This struggle (between world powers) is an entrenchment of the balance of power that we saw emerging even before (the epidemic), with the exacerbation of Chinese-American rivalry,” he added. Le Drian said the US “retreat” from a global leadership role was hindering collective action on a variety of major questions and emboldening China to claim the role for itself. In the middle of this tug of war, it was essential for Europe to find its own “leadership destiny,” he said, while insisting China must “respect” the European Union, “which is not always the case.”

Meanwhile, police fought running battles overnight in Paris´s low-income northern suburbs with residents alleging heavy-handedness by officers enforcing France´s strict coronavirus lockdown.

Residents burned trash and cars and shot fireworks at police, who responded with rubber bullets and tear gas in the suburbs of Villeneuve-la-Garenne and Aulnay-sous-Bois, witnesses and police said on Monday. The tensions were ignited in the early hours of Saturday when a motorcyclist was injured during a police check in Villeneuve-la-Garenne, prompting about 50 angry bystanders to gather. A police statement said the group targeted officers with “projectiles” in a near two-hour standoff. The motorcyclist, 30, was hospitalised with a broken leg and had to undergo surgery after he had crashed into the open door of a police car. Residents allege the door was opened deliberately so that the rider would smash into it. The man will lodge a complaint against the officers, his family and a lawyer told AFP, while prosecutors have opened an investigation.