Saturday March 29, 2025

Medical bodies call for maximum utilisation of Expo isolation centre

By Our Correspondent
April 19, 2020

Demanding strict enforcement of the lockdown and end to all gatherings to contain the COVID-19 spread, the Pakistan Islamic Medical Association (Pima) and other medical bodies seek representation of their experts and technocrats in the Sindh government’s coronavirus task force, as they are major stakeholders trying to keep people safe from the contagion.

“There is no representation of technocrats and experts from the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre [JPMC], the Civil Hospital Karachi [CHK] or the Sindh Institute of Urology & Transplantation in the task force,” Pima Karachi President Dr Azeemuddin told a news conference at the Karachi Press Club on Friday.

“Similarly, no representative of Pima, the Pakistan Medical Association [PMA] or the Young Doctors Association [YDA] is part of decision-making in the efforts to contain the novel coronavirus in the province.”

Pima office-bearers present on the occasion deplored the fact that there was no or minimal representation and involvement of technocrats and medical associations at government level.

“We demand that the government involve representatives from public sector universities and hospitals, and representatives from medical organisations who are actively fighting this deadly disease. Pima Karachi, the PMA and the YDA are willing to collaborate with the authorities in this critical time,” said Dr Azeemuddin.

Other Pima office-bearers said there was an extreme shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) at public hospitals despite the government having resources. They deplored the fact that doctors were contracting infection due to a lack of protection.

“Now young doctors have started looking towards NGOs instead of the government for PPE,” said Pima leader Dr Atif Hafeez Siddiqui. “Pima Karachi demands timely provision of PPE, as delaying their provision can lead to a disaster.”

He lamented that no guideline had been provided by the government for observing safety and using PPE, which had been leading to transmission of the COVID-19 infection to health care providers.

He said Pima can help the government prepare the guidelines, adding that private hospitals were indifferent as regards equipping their employees with the necessary PPE, adding that this was sheer ignorance that had been putting health care providers at risk. Regarding the opening of outpatient departments at public and private hospitals without proper standard operating procedure, Pima officials said this would lead to a sudden increase in COVID-19 cases. They called for job security of physicians working at such health facilities.

Pima and PMA office-bearers also pointed out the underutilisation of the field isolation centre at the city’s Expo Centre, saying that it needed a revisit for optimum usage.

“Instead of utilising this facility, COVID-19 patients are being taken to public hospitals, which is illogical. There is a need for filling this field isolation centre before referring patients to tertiary-care hospitals,” said the Pima president.

“Pima demands proper sanitisation and decontamination of COVID-19 wards at public hospitals that are currently in very bad shape and worsening the situation. We need support of doctors, the public, philanthropists, the government and NGOs to fight this together,” added Dr Azeemuddin.

They also demanded that traders and Ulema revisit their decision and suggestions regarding the opening of shops and having gatherings at mosques respectively in the larger interest of the nation.

On the occasion, Pima and Dua Foundation officials claimed donating PPE for five million doctors and health care workers in Karachi, while approximately 3,000 protective items were distributed among doctors at different hospitals, including the JPMC, the Lyari General Hospital, the CHK, the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and the Qatar Hospital.

They said they had launched the nationwide Pima Healthline, through which over 140 medical experts were providing free medical guidance by phone and WhatsApp.