Friday March 21, 2025

Corona recovery figure in Pakistan gives hope

By Shahab Ansari
April 14, 2020

LAHORE:Nearly 20pc coronavirus patients, 1,028 out of 5,362, have been recovered in Pakistan which is a very heartwarming sign for the whole world.

This good omen is a result of mercy of Allah Almighty and untiring and back breaking efforts of all those who are fighting coronavirus in the country on frontlines. High ratio and increasing number of recovery in coronavirus cases in Pakistan is not only a highly encouraging sign for the government and the entire nation, but also a glowing testimony to a phrase that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Despite having great odds to the size of Himalayas, facing the government and the nation right in the eyes, with the herculean task of feeding over 230 million mouths during coronavirus lockdown in this third world’s poor country already rocking with many kinds of destabilizations including the socio-economic and political divisions and turmoil’s, all the stakeholders, with the doctors and the paramedical staff, the media, army and the law enforcing agencies on the top of the list, and the federal and provincial governments, the army and the law enforcing agencies has been making all out efforts to combat this presently ‘Enemy No.1 ‘ of all mankind.

However, the only successful strategy so far, being practiced globally against the most deadly Corona Pandemic remains Social-Distancing & extraordinary-precautions being stressed by the Medical Experts.

In other words, now the fate of the whole nation, after Almighty , is actually in the hands of the nation itself to get rid of this Corona Menace within the Holy Month of Ramadan, whether they help protect their fellow brothers and sisters in these most difficult times by obeying the most crucial instructions being given to them through the national media almost 24 hours a day in every nook & corner of the country, or they throw all the cautions to the wind and thus put their whole family and neighbourhood in the merciless hands of the deadly killer called ‘Covid-19’.

However, those who would stay home and observe the basic rules of keeping themselves clean, using masks & sanitizers, washing their hands as much as possible, would certainly be protected by the Almighty from this global enemy but will also be performing a highly required national service by protecting millions of their countrymen, unknowingly.

The Ratio of recovery in the Coronavirus patients in Pakistan which is somewhere nearly 20pc as out of 5362 infected, 1028 has been reportedly recovered, which is a very heartwarming sign for the whole world.

There has been another highly respected entity and an internationally reputed personality, which has also given good news about the fate of the suffering words. According to the Nobel laureate Michael Levitt “End of coronavirus pandemic is near”.

Levitt said that just like China, the United States too will get through the worst of the coronavirus outbreak sooner than many specialists anticipate, the Los Angeles Times reported on Monday.

Levitt’s statistical findings had in February anticipated that there would be around 80,000 number of confirmed cases in China with about 3,250 deaths. And his forecast turned out to be almost correct with a total tally of about 80,298 cases and 3,245 deaths by the mid-February.

He said, despite the spread of coronavirus peaking in China, the country has been witnessing fewer newly diagnosed patients since March 16. "We’re going to be fine," he told an American newspaper, adding that the data doesn't indicate months or years of social disruption or millions of deaths from the coronavirus

“Numbers are still noisy but there are clear signs of slowed growth,” he told, asserting that, social distancing and getting vaccinated against the flu are both very crucial to curb the spread.

He also talked about how the anti-vaccine movement in virus-crippled Italy was a significant factor in the upsurge of cases, which increased the chances of coronavirus going undetected.

He also expressed his concern that an overreaction could cause another crisis, with unemployment and hopelessness creating more problems, like rise in suicide rate and slowing economies.