Monday March 24, 2025

Students of H-8 college face transport problem

Islamabad The Islamabad Model Postgraduate College in Sector H-8 is the oldest and biggest college in the capital, but getting transport facility is a herculean task in this college because of its insufficient transport facility that does not meet the demand of increasing number of students. The college has

By Afshan S. Khan
September 21, 2015
The Islamabad Model Postgraduate College in Sector H-8 is the oldest and biggest college in the capital, but getting transport facility is a herculean task in this college because of its insufficient transport facility that does not meet the demand of increasing number of students.
The college has an enrolment of as many as 2,000 students in various disciplines from intermediate to master's level. Around 500 students apply for the college bus facility every year out of which 200 students avail the facility and rest of 300 students are declined this facility because there are only 3 buses for the college which cannot be plied on all routes of Islamabad. Even students who live along the designated routes of the buses cannot be provided with the transport facility because one bus can accommodate as many as 52 students only.
The pressure for bus facility is mounting but the administration of the college cannot cope with this situation. This college offers coeducation classes in BCom, MA English and MSc Geography. The admissions for BA-BSc, B.Com Part-I and MA-M.Sc are in process. After completion of admissions in degree and master's classes, the pressure for the transport facility will increase, particularly from girls. In already packed buses, how can girls students can be accommodated. This will be a big challenge for the college administration.
One of the buses plies on the Khanna Pul-Tramri route from the college, and this bus facility is availed by 85 students whereas it has a seating capacity for 52.
Many students can be seen hanging dangerously from doors. An overcrowded bus is prone to any mishap and accident which might lead to the loss of lives or injuries to students. There is more pressure on old tyres and brakes of the buses with such a heavy load.
Sikandar, a student of 1st year, said, “I find it very difficult to travel in the college bus and then focus on studies in my college.”