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Political parties, journalists term MSR’s arrest attack on independent press

By Bureau report
March 14, 2020

PESHAWAR: The central and provincial leaders of various political parties and dissidents members of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) have condemned the arrest of Editor-in-Chief of Jang, Geo, The News, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman and termed it an attack on the independent press, which exposed government-National Accountability Bureau (NAB) nexus.

They observed that after political victimisation of the opponents, the government has now started arresting journalists to strangulate the fourth pillar of state and stop them from exposing the corrupt leaders.

The political leaders said the rulers were disturbed for being exposed and they have now started using cheap tactics against journalists after politicians.

They said the rulers should reform themselves instead of getting provoked and gagging the independent press.

Qaumi Watan Party (QWP) leaders Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpa, Sikandar Sherpao, Awami National Party (ANP) leader Farid Toofan, Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz leaders, Pir Sabir Shah, Iqbal Zafar Jhagra, Murtaza Javed Abbasi, Amir Muqam, Abdus Subhan Khan, Ikhtiar Wali Khan, Rashid Mahmud Khan, Khanimullah Khan, senior tribal leader, Syed Wali Shah Afridi, provincial leader, Mazdoor Kisan Party, Afzal Khamoosh, provincial president, national Party, Mukhtiar Bacha, provincial president, Awami Worker Party, Haidar Zaman, Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), leaders Sher Azam Wazir, Liaquat Shabab, Syed Abid Ali Shah, Sartaj Khan Doranpur, Syed Iftikhar Ali Shah of Akbarpura and dissidents PTI leaders Ahmad Zada Khan, Syed Haidar Ali Shah Bacha, former Home secretary, Syed Akhtar Ali Shah, and others observed that it is the basic responsibility of the press to expose wrongdoings and corruption of the government but the government tried to suppress the voice of journalists and media.

The political leaders said arresting Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman, imposing curbs on the print and electronic media, slashing government’s ads, and arresting journalists were an attack on the independent press, which showed the fears of the rulers.

They accused Prime Minister Imran Khan of acting like a martial law administrator and victimizing every person, who tried to raise voice against the government.

By arresting Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman in the case of a property that he had purchased some 34 years back, they said, the government was giving an impression that Nawaz Sharif had gifted it to Mir Shakil-ur- Rahman when he was a chief minister.

The opposition leaders recalled the then prime minister Nawaz Sharif had also donated land to Imran Khan for setting up Shaukat Khanum Cancer Memorial Hospital and Research Centre in Lahore and the NAB should also constitute a case against Imran Khan.

Instead of victimizing politicians and journalists, they said the government should also hold those accountable who illegally used government helicopters, misused funds in Bus Rapid Transit Billion Tsunami Tree and those involved in the Malam Jabba scandals.

Meanwhile, Qaumi Watan Party (QWP) Chairman Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao on Friday condemned the arrest of Editor-in-Chief of Geo and Jang Group Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) and termed it an attack on the freedom of the press.

According to a statement issued from Watan Kor, he said that the arrest of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman had exposed the true face of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government.

He said that the government had also stopped placing advertisements with the Jang Group and Dawn newspaper, which amounted to stifle the freedom of the press.

Aftab Sherpao said that his party condemned such tactics on part of the PTI government. “Withholding the advertisements of Jang Group and Dawn will render hundreds of journalists jobless,” he deplored, urging the government not to take such steps.

The QWP leader said the PTI government had failed to deliver on its pledges, therefore, it had resorted to such tactics to muzzle the press. “The government wants to silence the leading media houses in a bid to hide its incompetence,” he remarked.

He added that the government was using NAB as a tool for victimization. However, he maintained that the government would not be able to prevent the media from telling the truth and keeping the people informed.

Meanwhile, the journalists on Friday staged rallies across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to condemn arrest of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman, the Editor-in-Chief of Jang, Geo & The News.

Speaking at a protest meeting, Peshawar Press Club President Syed Bukhar Shah termed the arrest a bid to gag the press.

“The government is using all possible means to intimidate the press,” he said, adding, Prime Minister Imran Khan used to talk high of media as an opposition leader but he is using the state apparatus to silence independent press after coming into power,” he added.

Bacha urged media houses to shun differences and work for an independent media, which was sine qua non for democracy in the country.

Bukhar Shah said a big rally would be staged on Saturday to condemn the arrest.

SWABI: The Swabi Electronic Media Association members condemned the arrest of Jang Group Editor-in-Chief and demanded his release.

Muhammad Farooq, president of the association and Azmat Ali, general secretary said that the arrest of Mir Shakeel-ur-Rahman by NAB in the 34-year-old property case was aimed at keeping the media under control.

Muhammad Farooq said that an independence press was need of the hour for a democratic order.

He said the entire journalist community stood by the Jang Group and opposed the pressure tactics of the government.

Charsadda: The journalists in Charsadda also staged a protest to condemn arrest of Mir Shakeel-ur-Rahman.

Speaking on the occasion, Sabaz Ali Tareen and others said the government was harassing journalists to hide its own failure.

Bannu Press Club President Muhammad Alam Khan termed arrest an attack on media freedom. He said the action was meant to silence the Jang Group which was following an independent media policy. Protest rallies were also staged in Chitral, Dir, Swat, Mardan and other districts of the province.