Thursday June 27, 2024

No peace possible through wars: Alvi

By Our Correspondent
March 05, 2020

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi Wednesday said that neither peace can be achieved nor rebuilding of nations is possible through wars.

Dr Arif Alvi said that Pakistan was continuing peace efforts in the region despite belligerent designs of India. The president was addressing the opening ceremony of a two-day seminar on “Global Strategic Threat & Response” organised by Centre for Aerospace & Security Studies (CASS) here. Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force was also present at the occasion.

“Pakistan understands the value of peace and it had been continuously talking of peace which is in sharp contrast to the belligerent designs of India,” President Alvi said. He further said that history was witness to the fact that wars were used as tools for exploitation and loot of the regions and resources. He said that neither the peace nor the reconstruction of the nations is possible through wars.

Referring to the perilous situation in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and the ongoing pogrom against Muslims in India, he observed that the western interests were swaying the global bodies in which morality and justice often found no place recalling that it was the same Modi who was denied the US visa.

The president pointed out that it was because of the threats of war from the neighbouring country that Pakistan came on track of nuclear weapons to rescue the country.

He said Prime Minister Imran Khan in his first speech talked about peace with India. “As a peace overture, we also returned the Indian pilot after shooting down their aircraft,” he said.

Earlier, Air Chief Marshal Kaleem Saadat (R), President CASS highlighted the aim and importance of this seminar in his welcome address.

During the first session of the day, Cameron Munter, former ambassador of USA to Pakistan spoke on Emerging New World Order, while Inam-ul-Haq, former foreign minister of Pakistan talked about regional security dynamics.

Jalil Abbas Jilani, former foreign secretary delivered a lecture on Pakistan’s challenges and opportunities in emerging world order.

In the second session of the day, air chief marshal Sir Brian Burridge (R), CEO Royal Aeronautical Society, UK delivered a talk on emergent technology debate, whereas, Lieutenant Colonel Lyle Holt, Director Plan Jericho, Royal Australian Air Force gave a presentation on The Growth of Technologies. Dr Filippo Neri Leonardo, President VirtuaLabs SrL, Italy talked about weapons of the future.

The last speaker of the session was Colonel Dr. John Andreas Olsen, Norwegian Defence Attaché UK & Aviation Security Expert, who spoke on the future of airpower.

A large number of renowned international and national experts and analysts along with high ranking defence and civil officials attended this seminar.