Wednesday March 19, 2025


March 03, 2020

Islamabad:The Patron in-Chief of Supreme Shia Ulama Board and Head of Tehreek e Nifaz e Fiqah Jafariya Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Moosavi has said that Hazrat Imam Ali Naqi al Hadi (A.S) thwarted the attacks on Islam during his tenure of Imamah, kept the flag of righteousness and truth high in front of cruel dictators and established Islam’s influence across the world through Quran and the teachings of holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) and Hazrat Imam Ali (A.S). Muslim Ummah must reconnect with the holy Quran and Ahl-e-Bait (A.S) to get rid of problems. He said this while addressing to a ‘Mehfil-e-Milad’ of Hazrat Imam Ali Naqi al-Hadi (A.S) during the ongoing Ashra e Ajr e Risalah, says a press release.