FAISALABAD: Nishatabad police Thursday claimed to have arrested two accused and recovered fake currency worth Rs 900,000 from their possession. The police arrested Mujahid Hussain and Asghar Ali who gave fake currency to a hotel owner who informed the police about them. The police detained the accused, who admitted purchasing the fake currency notes from a currency dealer of Peshawar.
70 ACCUSED HELD: Under the directives of City Police Officer (CPO) Muhammad Sohail Chaudhry, the Faisalabad police detained 70 accused. The police arrested seven fugitives wanted in murder and robbery cases. The Police also detained 16 people on charges of possessing illicit arms and recovered 12 pistols, one Kalashnikovs, one shotgun, two rifles from them. The police also arrested 12 drug peddlers and recovered 12 kilogram charas and 456 litre liquor from them. The police also nabbed a notorious international drug peddler identified as Muhammad Rafi of Allama Iqbal Colony and recovered three kilogram charas from him.
MoU was signed at Committee Hall of Pakistan Bar Council , located within Supreme Court building
Despite facing intense criticism, court provided relief, issuing key rulings on these cases
It is privilege to share this moment with those who embody resilience and spirit of humanity, says Hamad Alzaabi
2024 saw numerous incidents and tragedies, claiming lives and properties of 1,503 people
However, elder express optimism that jirga would soon resolve issues and Kohat-Kurram Road would reopen
Resolution says punishment of civilians by military courts was both against Constitution band basic human rights