Tuesday July 02, 2024

Solidarity expressed with Kashmiris

By Agencies
February 10, 2020

NEW YORK/MILAN: Big rallies were held in New York, Milan, Athens and Toronto in order to express solidarity with Kashmiris and condemn Indian action against Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK). They called for lifting of siege, stop use of pellet and human rights violation in held Valley.

Braving severe cold weather, a large number of Kashmiris, Pakistanis and Sikhs -- some of them holding candles -- demonstrated in New York City's iconic Times Square Saturday night condemning India's annexation of Jammu and Kashmir and calling on the international community to play its role in the implementation of UN resolutions that pledged to them the right of self-determination.

The demonstration, organised by the Kashmiri-American Council, was part of a number of activities planned for the week in connection with Kashmir Solidarity Day. Waving banners and shouting slogans, the demonstrators condemned India's August 5 action in revoking the special status of Jammu and Kashmir that has created a crisis in the disputed region. They also voiced support and solidarity with the Kashmiri people languishing under the nearly six-month-long siege.

The demonstrators, who were carrying flags of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, shouted slogans against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and carried banners like "Stop Killing Kashmiris , "End the Siege", "Wake Up, Wake Up: UN", "Indian forces out of Kashmir" and "Self-determination for Kashmiris".

Despite icy winds, men, women and children gathered in the Times Square which was crowded with tourists from the across the United States as well as from abroad.

Speakers at the rally called for the Indian government to immediately revoke it illegal actions of August 5, lift the siege, and enter into peaceful negotiations with Pakistan to resolve the decades-old dispute. Sardar Sawar Khan, a former member of Azad Kashmir Council, called on the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to move decisively to settle the Kashmir dispute on the basis of the UN Security Council resolutions to usher in peace and stability in South Asia.

Other speakers included Sikh activist Sardar Amarjit Singh, Kashmiri activist Amna Taj and Khalid Awan of PPP also spoke on the occasion.

Meanwhile, thousands of people many waving Pakistani and Kashmiri flags rallied in Milan to express solidarity with the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir in their just struggle for right to self-determination.

The protesters carried banners like Kashmir is burning, Free Kashmir and Modi Make Tea Not War, India get out of Kashmir, Stop killing people of Kashmir and Free Kashmir.

Pakistani Consul General in Milan Dr Manzoor Chaudhry said around 3000 to 3500 people participated in the rally the largest number ever in Milan. “We will keep exposing India’s true face and unveil its fascist mentality at every nook and corner of peaceful world,” he said on the occasion. He maintained that Kashmiris are not alone but every nation which believes in human rights charter is backing the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people. He advised the global powers to take notice of India’s heinous crimes perpetuated against humanity in the occupied valley.

Activists participating in the rally asked the Indian government to stop military operations and human right violations in Kashmir. “We want to show our solidarity with our Kashmiri brothers,” said a participant. “Since 1947 Kashmir has been struggling to be free from India. Now Modi has changed the law by force to stop Kashmir’s autonomy,” he lamented.

A rally was also organised outside Indian embassy in Athens. Hundreds of people of Pakistani and Kashmiri origin participated in the rally and chanted pro-Pakistan and anti-India slogans.

Meanwhile, the speakers at a seminar in Toronto, Canada, have urged India to immediately lift the inhuman military siege on the 8 million people and stop all human rights violations in the occupied territory.

The seminar was organised by the Friends of Kashmir Canada in connection with the Kashmir Solidarity Day to show solidarity with the Kashmiris and raise voice against Indian brutalities in the territory.

The speakers in their addresses called upon the Indian government to withdraw all its troops including armed constabulary from Kashmir particularly from cities towns and villages to enable resumption of normal life and create conducive environment for the plebiscite to be held under the auspices of the UN as enshrined in the UNSC resolutions on Kashmir. They also urged the United Nations and other relevant forums to investigate all massacres, gang-rapes, fake encounters, forced disappearances and willful blinding using pellet guns committed by the Indian forces and Hindu terrorist organisations like the RSS and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The speakers requested the world powers especially the government of Canada to exert pressure on India to ensure its compliance with international obligations flowing from humanitarian and Human Rights Law as well as UN resolutions and until such compliance India should be subjected to trade sanctions.

A resolution was passed during the seminar urging India to stop ongoing grave human right violations in IOK, lift siege, allow UN team to visit IOK, stop use of pellet guns etc.