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Ex-PM Abbasi challenges NAB’s latest allegations against his family

By Editor Investigations
February 07, 2020

ISLAMABAD: Former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Thursday said that it’s a shame that the NAB, after failing to substantiate any charges of so-called corruption against him has once again resorted to leaking fabricated allegations to the media to vilify him and his family.

Responding to The News story - “NAB turns its gun to ex-PM Khaqan Abbasi’s son” - published on Thursday, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said, “It is unfortunate that the state institutions in Pakistan today are persecuting people with false attempts at creating cases.”

He said this is a clear case of attempted political engineering and maligning his reputation. Rejecting the NAB’s allegations, he presented the following facts:

“1. I and my wife have six bank accounts. Complete details of these accounts with every transaction since the last seven years have been provided to NAB.

2. Abdullah, my son, is 33 years old and an independent taxpayer. He has provided all details of his businesses and bank accounts to NAB.

3. My two sisters and my brothers-in-law are all over 60 years old with children and grandchildren. Except Barrister Sadia, all are US citizens, and live independent lives; they have no business relationship with me.

4. I, my wife, all three children and their spouses have provided NAB with all details of their assets.

5. I have provided NAB with all details of my tax payments, financial transactions and income and expenditures since 2000.

6. I have put all details of my questionnaires, assets and accounts on a link on Twitter.” Shahid Khaqan Abbasi added, “I want the NAB to publicly, on live media, ask me about any questions and details of my financial life - assets, bank transactions, tax payments, income, and expenditure or anything else they have in mind.”

He lamented, “It is a shame that the NAB, after failing to substantiate any charges of so-called corruption against me, has once again resorted to leaking fabricated allegations to the media. This is a clear case of attempted political engineering and maligning my reputation.”