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Pakistan warns Modi: Attack will be India’s last idiocy, says Imran

By Agencies
February 07, 2020

MIRPUR/RAWALPINDI: Expressing Pakistan’s firm resolve to never abandon Kashmiris, Prime Minister Imran Khan Thursday warned Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi that any further misadventure against Pakistan would be the last one.

Addressing a mammoth public rally taken out in solidarity with the Kashmiri brethren in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) facing continuous detention for the last 185 days, Imran said arrogant Modi committed a blunder by taking the August 5 illegal step and unilaterally revoking the special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

The rally participants, including men, women and children, raised slogans against the Indian atrocities in IOK and waved flags of Kashmir and Pakistan as a symbol of unity.

The prime minister said Modi’s degree seemed to be fake and he need to brush up on history.

He rebuffed Modi’s statement claiming capability to conquer Pakistan in 11 days.

He said the leaders showing such hubris and vainglory in the past always faced defeat and gave the examples of Adolf Hitler and Napoleon and of US forces to win the Afghan war and to conquer Vietnam.

“Narendra Modi, the statement you gave about this country, and the Indian army chief, this is my message to you both — you have already made a mistake on August 5. Just remember, every citizen of this 200 million-strong nation, down to the last child, will fight to their last breath.

“We will show you how we can fight. Our army is well recognized, battle-hardened. Our people are God-fearing [...] none of us fears death.

“If you are under the false impression that you will take any action against Pakistan to strengthen your Hindu voter base, it will be the last mistake you make,” said the premier in a grave warning to his Indian counterpart.

Imran said Pakistan would never leave Kashmiris alone and vowed that he himself would always fight the case as their ambassador.

He said Pakistan was a peaceful country but never feared of fighting oppression if forced on it.

Imran said Pakistan was capable of winning tough wars including the fight against terrorism with its battle-hardened armed forces, which always fought with passion and faith in Allah Almighty.

He said whenever people in Indian Occupied Kashmir needed help, entire Pakistan would be ready to support them. The prime minister said his visit to Mirpur had great significance in expressing solidarity with eight million people of Indian Occupied Kashmir and giving them a message that not only the people of AJK, but also the entire Pakistan stood with them.

“Almighty Allah in the Holy Quran says with every difficulty comes ease,” the prime minister said, adding that he had high hopes that Kashmiris would soon see a dawn of peace.

Imran Khan regretted that the previous government back-burnered the issue of Kashmir; however, his government in six months internationalized the dispute by drawing world’s attention towards India’s persistent human right abuses.

He said Kashmir issue was discussed thrice in the United Nations this time, which was unprecedented in the country’s history.

The prime minister recalled that Modi ‘in fact martyred’ Pakistan’s trees in last February contrary to his claim of targeting 300 people and downing two aircraft.

He said on the other hand, Pakistan as a goodwill gesture returned the captured Indian fighter pilot in an effort for peace in region, which Modi ungratefully dubbed as a step done out of fear.

Imran Khan said he apprised several world leaders he met at the World Economic Forum and other fora of the gravity of Kashmir issue.

He said the world was demanding lifting of curfew and resumption of internet and communication blockade, adding the day it was done, a mass of Kashmiri people would voice out their concerns.

The prime minister said the situation in the Indian Occupied Kashmir was against ethics and morality.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said waving of Pakistan’s flags in Mirpur rally gave a loud and clear message to Narendra Modi that every Pakistani citizen would always stand with his Kashmiri brethren.

He said Kashmiris did not accept the unilateral action of India of revoking special status of Jammu and Kashmir and their resolve could not be deterred through the illegal use of force by the Indian security forces.

Minister for Kashmir Affairs Ali Amin Gandapur said Pakistan would continue to support Kashmiris in their just demand of right to self-determination.

He said India should realize that passion of Kashmiris would ultimately win over abuse of its might.

AJK Prime Minster Farooq Haider said plebiscite was the only solution to resolve the dispute of Jammu and Kashmir, adding that the people of AJK had full confidence in Prime Minister Imran Khan who fought the case of Kashmiris in the United Nations General Assembly.

Former AJK prime minister and PTI leader Barrister Sultan Mehmood said Prime Minister Imran Khan had strongly advocated the Kashmir cause at international forums and lauded that he allocated one day each for Muzaffarabad and Mirpur to join people expressing solidarity with their brethren in IOJK.

Special Assistant to the PM on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, Chairman Kashmir Committee Syed Fakhar Imam and Kashmiri leaders also attended the event.

Meanwhile, addressing the 229th Corps Commanders’ Conference at the General Headquarters (GHQ), Rawalpindi, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa said Kashmiris’ justified struggle was “destined to succeed” in spite of ordeal.

According to a statement issued Thursday by the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), the meeting paid a glowing tribute to the Kashmiris for braving continued siege as well as the Indian Army’s brutalities.

“Repression of Indian occupying forces can never deny Kashmiris their right to self-determination as promised by the UN resolutions. Regardless of the ordeal, their just struggle is destined to succeed,” Gen Bajwa said.

The meeting also reviewed the geo-strategic situation, focusing especially on Pakistan’s internal security and the situation on borders.

“Provocative statements of Indian leadership are irresponsible rhetoric with implications for the region,” it added. The commanders resolved that Pakistan’s armed forces “are forces of order and peace and fully prepared to thwart any misadventure, whatever the cost”.

“The forum was also apprised of progress of ‘Operation Radd ul Fasaad’ which has put security situation of the country on a positive trajectory for enduring peace and stability,” the press release read.