Tuesday September 17, 2024

Spray planes bid to combat huge locust outbreak in east Africa

By Agencies
February 03, 2020

NAIROBI: Small planes are flying low over parts of Kenya to spray pesticides in a bid to control the worst outbreak of locusts in 70 years,

It is challenging work, especially in remote areas where mobile phone signals are absent and ground crews cannot quickly communicate coordinates to flight teams. The ground crews are in “the most woeful terrains”, said Marcus Dunn, a pilot and director at Farmland Aviation.

“If there is no network, then the fellow on a boda boda (motorcycle), he has to rush off now and go and get a network.” Just five planes are currently spraying as Kenyan and other authorities try to stop the locusts from spreading to neighbouring Uganda and South Sudan.

The United Nations has said £57 million is needed immediately to widen such efforts across east Africa.