Monday September 30, 2024

AJK PM Raja Farooq Haider visits Peshawar: ‘India has turned J&K into world’s biggest prison’

By Bureau report
February 03, 2020

PESHAWAR: Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider Khan said here Sunday that the Indian-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir had been turned into the world’s biggest prison by the BJP-R SS government that draws inspiration from Hitler.

Talking to the media at the residence of senior journalist Rahimullah Yusufzai after offering condolences to him on the demise of his wife, Raja Farooq Haider reminded the global powers that the lockdown of the Kashmir valley by over one million Indian forces was a big challenge for them and all those who advocate human rights.

He maintained that the Indian occupying forces were involved in the mass execution of the Kashmiri Muslims and were committing grave human rights violations. Terming Narendra Modi as power-addicted, he said the Indian Prime Minister was conspiring to bring a demographic change in Jammu and Kashmir to turn the Muslims into a minority.

The AJK Prime Minister argued that India had committed a crime by denying the right of self-determination to the Kashmiris promised to them by the UN Security Council under about a dozen resolutions.

He stressed the need for more cohesive efforts at the international level through aggressive diplomacy to foil India’s nefarious designs and exposing its ugly face kept hidden under the guise of secularism and democracy. He noted that Pakistan had made efforts within its means to achieve this objective, but there is a need for further acceleration of these efforts.

Referring to the provocative and offensive statements made by Modi and his aides against Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashnir, Raja Farooq Haider declared that the valiant people of Azad Kashmir are ready to fight Indian aggression. He added that the Kashmiri people had struggled for 72 years for their freedom and would not be cowed down by such cowardly statements.

He expressed thanks to the Pakistani nation for enthusiastically preparing for the forthcoming Kashmir Solidarity Day.

The AJK Prime Minister earlier offered condolences to Rahimullah Yusufzai on the passing away of his wife and met his family members. He was accompanied by his Principal Secretary Raja Amjid Pervaiz Ali Khan, Press Secretary Raja Mohammad Waseem and former President of Central Press Club, Muzaffarabad, Tariq Naqqash.