Thursday June 27, 2024

Awan urges analysts of private TVs to laud PM for observing austerity

By Our Correspondent
January 31, 2020

ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan Thursday said Prime Minister Imran Khan was saving every possible rupee, urging analysts of private TV channels to give credit to the prime minister for strictly spearheading the policy of austerity.

Talking to media persons here outside the Parliament House, she emphasised that unlike the past rulers, who resorted to lavish lifestyle from the national kitty, Prime Minister Imran Khan had started the austerity drive from his own person.

Citing the last federal cabinet meeting, she pointed out that a planted narrative was unleashed on the media regarding the cabinet meeting and deliberately given a particular colour, as if the prime minister had got increased his own salary from the cabinet. “We strongly repudiate and vehemently condemn such rumours,” she asserted.

She emphasised that the analysts, who do chit-chat at night, should give credit to the prime minister for strictly observing austerity, making an appeal to the ‘poison-emitting tongues’ to give to the nation the truth and fact-based narrative.

The masses, she noted, had defeated the ‘Qabza group’ of two families and elected Imran Khan. She complained that the visit of Prime Minister Imran Khan was made fun of, whereas former PMs Nawaz Sharif, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and even Ishaq Dar’s visits were also sponsored, adding people trusted the Prime Minister Imran Khan, therefore, sponsored his visits. She noted that spinning and spreading rumours was highly condemnable.

Prime Minister Imran Khan, she pointed out, had effectively checked lavish spending spree and preferred to stay at his own home instead of the Prime Minister House and opted for commercial flights on private flights during his foreign visits.

Similarly, she said that in the past, prime ministers spent the public money mercilessly and they had so many camp offices but Prime Minister Imran Khan had not a single such office.