Sunday March 23, 2025

Vacation nation

January 09, 2020

I am absolutely appalled by the decision of the Punjab School Education Department to close schools for another week on account of cold weather. Our children have suffered enough due to countless holidays attributed to security threats and smog. Nowhere in the world do schools close down on account of cold weather. I wonder why we don’t learn anything positive from the West, where kids travel long distances in snow and hail to attend school. Secondly, the schools provide better facilities than home, children tend to spend more time indoors at school than at home. Holidays on account of cold weather should be at the discretion of schools. Those with heating facilities should continue.

This immature and uncalled for decision is taking a toll on the quality of education imparted to our children by forcing schools to skip important parts of the curriculum due to frequent holidays. I would like to urge the Punjab School Education Department to think and act wisely and let our children study.

Osman H Chaudhri
