Friday September 20, 2024

Violations in IHK flayed

By Our Correspondent
December 20, 2019

LAHORE:Central president of International Youth Assembly for Human Rights Babar Sulehri has condemned the violations of human rights in Held Kashmir at the hands of Indian forces.

Addressing an annual National Human Rights conference here Thursday, Babar Sulehri urged upon the United Nations and other world organisations to help in checking Indian cruelties in the Held Valley.

He also demanded the government enforce equity and justice in the country. He said the system in Pakistan was different for the rich and the poor. The rich is provided every facility in the country, whereas the poor are not treated in hospital well.

He demanded facilitation on doorsteps of the common people according to the law. He said that violations of human rights in Kashmir at the hands of Indian forces was condemnable and could be resolved by UNO.