Thursday March 13, 2025

Is it a conspiracy against Imran’s administration

By Zafar Alam Sarwar
November 30, 2019

The common man in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad goes to market happily to buy food items but returns unhappy. He curses the hoarder and the profiteer for unjustified price hike.

It was not tomato only that went sky high but also other kitchen items like onion and garlic.

One can recall that onion rose so high that people raised voice of protest. The head of the administration, General Zia-ul-Haq took notice of the unrest among consumers, and onion price came down from two rupees to 75 paisa. The ordinary citizen welcomed the step.

Also worth recalling is a sports event.

Years ago, one as senior editorial staff member of The Pakistan Times, Rawalpindi-Islamabad, also holding the position of commerce editor, predicted “this young promising cricketer, who is making choka and chhikka today, will rise one day as prime minister. And that is he today.

Common people say Satan is not happy over what Imran is trying to achieve for the motherland whose treasury reportedly was emptied by the previous regimes. God bless them.

I was in Bangkok when general election was held in The Islamic Republic of Pakistan. There I could assess masses would vote him into power simply because majority wanted change in socio-economic and political system to serve them. By the way opportunists have found room in the new administration.

Prime Minister Imran Khan will have to work as hard as did the founder of Pakistan , Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

One could judge from the faces of the common people the impact of socio-economic conditions having obtained in the country in the past.

Patriots, young and old, assert that the life-long struggle and achievements of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) serve as guidelines for all of us. The solution to social, economic and administrative problems, such as crime and deteriorating law and order, food shortage and soaring prices, load-shedding, poverty and unemployment, and inequality in provision of education and dispensation of justice, lies in following the example set by the Messenger of God. Madinah as welfare state set up by the prophet is role model for Pakistan.

We need total unity and discipline and study of the life of the prophet who established the world’s first welfare state, and saved the oppressed people, whose motto was justice and equality, who advocated simplicity and sincerity, truthfulness and honesty, and who devoted his life for the good of the masses.

Elder citizens argue the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal is the way to revive the spirit of Islam which stands for peace, security and common man’s well-being. The father of the nation was inspired by such deeds of Prophet Muhammad.