courts and feel that views delivered by men in uniform can never be just and that proper judicial procedure is unlikely to be followed. There is also the question of what role the constitution lays down for various institutions in the country and whether this set of lines drawn up by the document can be stepped over. The first verdict delivered by a military court in February this year, ordering a death sentence for six men and imprisonment for another was stayed by the regular courts. It is somewhat disturbing that we knew so little about who the men sentenced to death were or how the proceedings took place. But for now, the military courts are to stay. What impact they will have on curbing terrorism is open to question. What is logical is to keep in mind that courts themselves cannot change ground realities. The government must not step back from its own responsibilities of building a more tolerant society through various measures simply by handing over one important aspect of terrorism to the military. It is also important that a wider view be taken of the matter and steps put in place to draw all actions against militants closer together so that we can truly move towards a society free of the threat we live under today.
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If Modi is truly he great peacemaker, he may wish to first abandon politics of hatred and division that have become...
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Reaffirmation of Pakistan’s commitment to eliminating terrorism in all its forms is crucial, but actions must now...
Change applies to new net-metered consumers, with existing ones transitioning upon expiry of their seven-year contracts
What makes Pakistan’s situation even grimmer is its comparison with regional peers