I have been hearing of the poor management and faulty system of different testing agencies. For the last few years vacant posts in various governments departments have been filled by conducting academic tests via different testing services. It's common these days to see every next day a new testing agency being introduced with tall claims of carrying out fair inductions. Previously, robbers used to rob at gunpoint, but with the passage of time they designed an easy way to collect money and trap jobless people.
Recently, teaching posts of different cadres were advertised: of which written test's responsibility was entrusted to a testing Service). A relative of mine, who had applied for a post, told me that her particulars were uploaded incorrectly on the service's official site. Even the picture shown was not hers. Surely, this might not have been only her case, a number of candidates would have had the same complaint. Here a question which disturbs my mind: why is the state not serious about this issue? There should be only one testing agency nominated for conducting academic tests for filling vacant posts, and a proper monitoring team to be formed which can keep it under its watch so that afair and transparent process of inductions is ensured. I request the authorities concerned to look into the matter and ban these fake testing services.
Numan Bacha
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