Friday March 28, 2025

GM ban

August 05, 2019

According to some media reports, Pakistan has imposed ban on future trials of Genetically Modified (GM) maize for an unspecified period in a bid to avoid natural crop contamination that can subsequently damage maize exports. This decision was taken by the National Bio-safety Committee.

It merits a mention that both the Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa governments have adverse views on cultivation of GM maize. Most of the stakeholders are of the view that there is no significant increase in yield or reduction in cost of production by adopting GM seeds. Also, experts have observed that this would hurt locally grown corn which is a staple food for local population. Serious concerns have been raised about maize exports contaminated with GM corn from Pakistan, which may hamper exports. Pakistan, therefore, should follow models of China, India and Turkey as far as production and distribution of bio-technology seeds are concerned. None of these countries has adopted GM food crops.

Khan Faraz
