Friday September 06, 2024

UN urged to mediate for Kashmiris’ rights

By News Desk
July 02, 2019

GENEVA: Panelists at a parallel event at the 41st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) held at the Palais des Nations here highlighted the Kashmiris’ aspiration to have their fundamental human rights for peace and security, saying it was obligatory for the United Nations to mediate to achieve and maintain world peace and security.

According to a statement issued on Monday, the event was organised by International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM) in collaboration with International Commission for Human Rights (ICHR), Indigenous Peoples Nations Coalition (IPNC) and South Asia Centre for Peace and Human Rights (SACFPHR).

In his opening remarks, Member of the European Parliament Dr Prof Klaus Buchner noted with regret that India had blocked the Kashmiris referendum with terrible consequences resulting in massive gross human rights abuses in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK). He further remarked that the newly elected Indian government must not make the situation in IHK worse. “Indian trade and economy is not important, human rights and peace should prevail, it is heartening to know that Kashmiris want peace and security and that is optimistic,” Buchner declared.

Madam Victoria Scofield, a renowned writer and expert on the Kashmir conflict, said BJP’s landslide victory in the recent Lok Sabha elections had generated serious fears about the abrogation of Articles 35A and 370 despite the fact the valley had already lost whatever autonomy it had. “Nevertheless, demographic change appears underway, Indian repression will continue as long as alienation remains but the people’s thrust also remains on “Azadi (independence),” she concluded.

Prof Nazir A Shawl, Chairman of SACFPHR and constituent member of Oragnisation of Kashmir Coalition (OKC), said: “Both Pakistan and India have nuclear capabilities and in any unpredictable military confrontation one cannot rule out their use.” He said under the Doval doctrine Kashmiris had no rights and that demographic change in IHK was underway.

Prof Alfred De Zayas from Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations believed that people’s right to self-determination was the best conflict prevention strategy, therefore, it was obligatory for the United Nations to mediate to achieve and maintain world peace and security.

Frank Schwalba-Hoth, Co-founder German Greens and former Member of the European Parliament, lamented the proposed demographic change in IHK, saying he aimed to push the Kashmir conflict on a higher agenda of the European Union.

Ambassador Ronald Barnes, Chair and Director of IPNC, Head of Mission in Geneva for the Alaskan Decolonisation Movement, also spoke on the occasion. Barrister A Majid Tramboo, European Director and Permanent Representative of IHRAAM to the United Nations and constituent member of OKC, moderated the parallel event.