Tuesday July 02, 2024

Engagement first and last paradigm

By Akram Shaheedi
June 03, 2019

Strong arms tactics may never bring about desired results. Resolution of issues through political means serve well in the process of evolution of nation- building. Pakistan history bears witness to it out quite candidly. The best illustration of the impeccable success of the political paradigm is the 18th Amendment that resolved the long standing and chronic issues like of provincial autonomy, identity to the KPK, financial autonomy, removal of the aberrations in the constitution incorporated by dictators and empowered the Parliament. These are not less than miracles achievements when evaluated in the context of federation of Pakistan, democracy and addressal of the political and economic alienation of the small provinces. Does anyone recall even small success story of iron-fist strategy? The state may use all means including the military might with the support of the nation (Parliament) against those who openly challenge the writ of the state, defy constitution and resort to violence to further their toxic agenda.

Waziristan had been bastion of (TTP) and its accomplices prior to the military operation when they were defeated and wiped out along with their terrorism paraphernalia. The people of Waziristan facilitated besides suffering hugely as they had to shift along with their families to the safe places as pre-requisite to carry out the full-fledged military operation there. After the operation the settlement of the displaced people (IDPs) should have picked up the pace by establishing the civil administration help the settlement of the local population. It may be recalled the Swat military Operation during PPP government was the shining example of success of military operation in all forms and manifestations because the people were back to resume normal life just within three months. PTM demand of the removal of the large number of check posts cannot be met unless civil administration take the full charge of the agency. The tragic incident was the outburst of the local people at the military check-post, Kharqamar, killing numerous protestors and an army soldier. Local MNAs were arrested for allegedly inciting the people to violence.

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto in his press conference last week repeatedly urged the Speaker of the National Assembly to issue the production orders of (PTM) MNAs from Waziristan, Mohsin Dawar and Ali Wazir, enabling them to attend the current session of the Assembly to apprise the House of the abhorrent incident. It may be mentioned that media blackouts the (PTM) political activities and as such the people are not aware of other side of the story. The general perception reverberating across probably suggests that both sides crossed the red-lines. The repetition of such incident must not take place because the hitherto largely peaceful movement may not transform into the armed resistance providing the fertile ground to the enemy to exploit it in pursuit of their agenda. There is dire need that the potentially explosive situation is defused at the earliest for which the parliamentary forum is the ideal place. KPK government’s announcement of compensation for the victims may serve to palliate the wounds of the people of Waziristan to a degree.

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto while disapproving the arrest of the MNAs of Waziristan had earlier stated that the elected representatives would have not been arrested in the first place. He demanded their immediate release. The Opposition Leader of the House, Khawaja Asif, in his speech in the House pointed out with heavy heart that we had not learnt lesson from the history adding that the iron-fist policy of the state had inflicted irreparable losses to the integrity of the country in the past leading to 1971 humiliation of appalling proportion? The grievances of the people should be resolved through the political means because all other approaches to tackle the issues related to local population would not bring about the desired results. He urged the government that the parliamentary committee should investigate the incident to dig out the truth as what exactly happened at the military check post. His whole speech implied that there was no sense in alienating the people of the area who had already suffered hugely by way of exodus, terrorist attacks, and drone attacks. They were the defenders of the country and their resolve in this count was unwavering. They need to be engaged instead of passing the judgment on them as standing on the other side of the equation. The impetuousness may be deemed as short-sighted.

Chaos, alienation and anarchy certainly provide the much sought after opportunity to the other countries to have their pound of flesh at our expense. The bushfires may be dampened at the very outset before they engulf the whole area converting into a sort of conflagration. The winning of the hearts and minds of the people should be the priority of the state institutions instead of confronting them head on. Winning their support would surely make them well prepared with conviction to stand guard against the designs of the alien countries eager to exploit situation to their strategic advantages. Be aware, the strong arms’ spill over may not be wished away as it has the potential to give wind to the sails to engulf more swathes of the rest of regions. Better sense may prevail among those who are in the corridors of power to reverse the untoward situation for good, sooner the better.

All opposition parties while urging the protestors and security apparatus to exercise the utmost restraint have also demanded the setting up of a parliamentary committee to investigate the clash between the PTM and army troops in Waziristan. How embarrassing the incident is as the denizens of Waziristan and the army jointly defeated and successfully flushed out the terrorists from the region that carried heavy blood and sweat, and now they were up in arms against each other? The sordid incident reflected poorly on both sides when stakes were so high. They should have understood the serious ramifications of the provocation. Damping fire with fire may not lead to propitious outcome no matter what? The Communication Minister Murad Saeed’s fire brand speech in the House screaming his lungs out was ill-conceived that surely did not help. He was rather tarnishing the image of the government and indeed of the country by resorting to sabre-rattling of the Opposition. His full- throated outburst usually hitting below the belt may be deemed as in bad taste by the dispassionate observers and analysts.

Strong arms tactics are usually deemed as whimsical and autocratic and therefore counter-productive because political issue may be handled politically. The widely recognised narrative of political means may achieve the resolution of issues on sustainable basis that may not be imagined to be achieved through iron-fist approach. The military benign means may be justified as a last resort only to create space for the political settlement when dealing with the estranged people with the intention of bringing them back to the fold. The history of Pakistan is rife of the failure of the military approach to the settle the political issues. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat the same mistake time and again to reinforce the failures. The incumbent military leadership is sensible enough not to follow the beaten tracks of suppression rather than of reconciliation.

“Tabdeeli” seemingly is in reverse gear in perpetuity leaving nothing for the people of Pakistan to cheer about. The rain of bad news is continuing with no sign of abating. Not long ago, the game of cricket of Pakistan had the privilege of top ranking in the international cricket but now has fallen to the embarrassing position optimising from sublime to the ridiculous. With the ignominious draping up of the Pakistani cricket team by the West Indies team in England in its first match of the World Cup seems to have completed the cycle. I am trying to soothe the pain and anguish by applying English balm of sportsman spirit but it is not working. It is rather exacerbating the same as if rubbing the salt into the wound. The AP photo of the team squad with long faces after the defeat is heartbroken. Hope and pray that the team performs better like before in such situation!