Monday March 17, 2025

AIOUs exams start on May 22

May 20, 2019

Islamabad : Final exams of post-graduate programs of Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) will begin in Rawalpindi-Islamabad and rest of the country from Wednesday (May 22).

According to the Controller Exams, the programs include: PGD, MA/MSc, MS/MPhil and PhD.

Roll Number slips had been dispatched to all the students, enrolled for autumn semester 2018, at their postal addresses.

The same had also been placed at the university’s official website. On the instructions of Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Zia-Ul-Qayyum, exam centres had been set up at the nearest places of the students residences or work place. All possible efforts had been made to ensure transparency in the entire examination process, the Controller exams said.

The students can download their roll number slips from the university’s website and that will be considered valid for appearing in the exams.

The Students were also advised to read the instructions mentioned on roll no slip carefully before going for the Examination. In addition, the students were also asked to bring with them original National Identity Card.