Thursday March 27, 2025

PCSIR pensioners

May 17, 2019

The Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR), the premier R&D organisation of the country, is faced with a severe financial crunch and is unable to pay monthly pension to its retired employees. Non-matching budget grants could be one of the reasons, but the inefficiency of the organisation’s management in anticipating and actively pursuing the fiscal requirements have also contributed to the situation.

The salaried employees of the organisation are paid on time, whereas pensioners face delayed pensions. How these white-collared pensioners are managing their kitchens in this holy month of Ramazan, under these circumstances, is anybody’s guess. The ordeal they go through while paying repeated visits to the office for the confirmation of their pension multiply their miseries. It will be really appreciated if those at the helm of affairs take up this important matter seriously and resolve the issue once and for all.

Pensioners of PCSIR