Saturday September 07, 2024

Social peace linked to respect for fundamental rights

By Bureau report
May 13, 2019

PESHAWAR: The speakers at a function said respect for fundamental human rights was directly interconnected with social peace and cohesion. “The will of the people is the key ingredient for the success of a political system. A strong political structure in the country is critical to nourish democracy,” said Barrister Ali Gohar. He was speaking at a workshop organised by the Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) in collaboration with the Department of Social Work, University of Peshawar.

The barrister said the concept of democracy calls for balance and cohesion between the democratic institutions of the country where they respect each other’s domains. “For an effective democracy, all the democratic institutions should observe their constitutional limits where the legislature, executive and judiciary should only commit to legislation, execution and adjudication respectively,” he added. The rule of law means that everyone in the society is subject to and equal before the law regardless of socio-political or economic background. Another speaker, Wasim Riaz, Superintendent of Police Peshawar Cantt, stated that across the board accountability was key to uphold the rule of law and strengthen the social cohesion. The de-politicization of the accountability processes is of paramount importance for transparent democracy, added the official. Dr Rasheed Khan, Chairman, Department of Social Work, University of Peshawar, said such workshops were the need of the hour to lead the youth in the ideals of social cohesion and peace, equip them with the necessary tools to counter extremism and play a role in the peace-building efforts.