Friday March 28, 2025

Monthly pensions

May 12, 2019

This refers to the letter 'Pension delays' (May 11) by M Khizir Farooqi. The plea of an octogenarian pensioner was really painful and represented a damning indictment of the callous treatment our retirees are subjected to. I would, for one, dare ask: What does the government intend to gain by troubling those who, being buffeted by the ravages of time, are already teetering on the brink of their life?

Given the above, the government that self-styles itself the protagonist of rebuilding Pakistan on the model of the State of Medina, needs to introduce radical reforms for the welfare of pensioners as well as all other old people who have been exploited and consequently beaten in the race of life. Moreover, it should also be ensured that pensioners receive their monthly pensions strictly in time to save them from the humiliation of being forced to beg for loan from others or go cadging handouts off their friends.

Muhammad Aqil Khan Rokhri ( Mianwali )