Tuesday March 18, 2025


March 31, 2019

The intolerance among students is spinning out of control. Recently, a student in Bahawalpur stabbed his professor to death for organising a mixed-gender reception in a farewell party. Then came news of IJT members beating up peaceful protesters on a campus. The case of Mashal Khan’s lynching by a brutal mob is also before us. A arrow understanding of religion is the contentious issue in all these cases. Students who are influenced by a clerical version of Islam end up indulging in such violence.

To counter such terrible incidents, courses related to comparative religion should be included in the syllabus to understand religion. If any religious seminary is found to be disseminating hatred and intolerance it must be banned. Any debate by foul-mouthed cleric should be prohibited. The government should design outlines with help of religious scholars for the curriculum of madressahs.

Wali Ejaz Nekokara ( Chiniot )