MULTAN: Former prime minister Yusuf Raza Gilani Friday said that both Pakistan and India were facing extreme poverty but Indian Prime Minister Modi was playing politics under the cover of war and securing his numbers for his election. Talking to journalists here, he said that war hysteria was not the solution to problems. He said that India wants to divert the world’s attention from the Kashmir issue. He said the premier had ordered the release of Indian pilot after taking the parliament into confidence, which was a positive gesture. He said the release of Indian pilot was a good step which would strengthen peace in the region. Gilani said wars were not the solution to the current problems between Pakistan and India. He said inviting Indian foreign minister in the OIC summit was not justified in any case. The OIC special session was called on the request of Pakistan and it invited India without consulting with Pakistan, he lamented. The former premier said that the whole nation stands with Pakistan armed forces. He paid tribute to Pakistan Army for fighting against terrorism and sacrificing for the country.
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