Friday March 28, 2025

Say no to war

March 01, 2019

The longstanding Kashmir issue cannot be resolved through war. India’s brutalities and atrocities in Indian Occupied Kashmir know no bounds and Pakistan has always shown interest in resolving the issue. But it has also reiterated that it wants to go for a peaceful solution.

India and Pakistan are two nuclear-armed countries and any conflict can lead to disastrous results. It is important to mention that both countries have millions of people who are living below the poverty line, any war will only result in aggravating the current dismal situation. India should consider Pakistan’s offer and resolve all disputes through dialogue.

M Jamal Qureshi



The current tensions between Pakistan and India can prove to be destructive for South Asia. The shocking Pulwama tragedy for which India falsely blames Pakistan, has unfortunately emboldened India to initiate aggressions across the border. The recent intrusion in Pakistan’s territory by the Indian aircrafts is one such example.

Since both the nations are nuclear powers, border violations, belligerent jingoism and blame games can unleash a serious clash. What the two countries must do is to come up with strategies to jointly fight against militancy, poverty, and other socio-political and economic issues of the region.

Abdul Hafeez Jatoi
