LAHORE: Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Senator Sirajul Haq has advised rulers to choose respectable way of self-reliance instead of relying on others to solve country’s problems.
Rulers’ habit of approaching IMF and other financial institutions instead of seeking help from Almighty Allah had not left any sense of honour in the nation, he said while delivering Friday sermon at Mansoora masjid and later addressing a meeting with youth representatives.
He said in order to get out of the economic crisis the government would have to switch over to the interest-free Islamic economic system which also ensured equitable distribution of the resources. Pakistani young men had earned name all over the world due to their talent and hard work but country’s exploitative capitalist system did not allow them to come forward.
The corrupt and tyrant feudal lords and capitalists were dominant in every walk of life due to power of their wealth. Sirajul Haq said the western countries were not ready to accept Islam as a dominant power.
The west wanted Islam to be confined to the mosque having nothing to do with politics and that was why the west had promoted the concept of Sufi Islam. He said the west considered the upholders of political Islam and those desiring to adopt Islam as a system of life their enemy.
He said Islam is designed for domination and supremacy in the world whereas the west wanted Islam to remain subservient. He said rulers had made politics something condemnable although politics was the job of the Prophets of Allah and it implied reforming the society and human beings. He said the JI was striving for the supremacy of Islam and the masses should come out and support the JI for the change and the solution to their problems. He urged the nation and the youth to stand by the JI in order to break the chain of slavery and to build the society on the basis of justice and merit.
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