Friday March 28, 2025

Jang Economic Session: National unity linked to economic relief

November 23, 2018

LAHORE: New provinces should be made on administrative, economic and social grounds to improve governance and law and order and new provinces should not be made on the basis of ‘ethnicity and hatred’.

These views were expressed by the experts at a Jang Economic session on ‘Establishment of Proposed south Punjab province - administrative and economic issues and solutions’. The panellists included Ehsan Wayen, Ali Raza Gardezi, Muhammad Ali Mian, Munir Ahmed Khan and Abbadur Rehman and the session was hosted by Sikindar Lodhi.

Ehsan Wayen said south province should be made on administrative grounds instead of ethnicity, language, religion and beliefs. He said India and other countries make states and province for better governance and relief for the public.

A province is a symbol of unity. Economic relief will promote national unity. Multan and Siraiki belt elected representatives were the part of the governments in the past but no concentrated effort was made for making south Punjab. Only public efforts can pave way for the creation of south Punjab province, he argued. Ali Raza Gardezi said the need for south Punjab province was felt when districts and divisions were created.

“There was no harm to create a province to end a sense of deprivation among people and provide equal distribution of resources. Smaller districts and divisions were deprived of development resources. Geographical division and justified distribution of resources should be focused on making a new province. A province should be made for public welfare instead of political grounds,” he observed.

Muhammad Ali Mian said the idea of more provinces is not a strange thing. There are 17 provinces in Bangladesh, 21 in Iran, 7 in Nepal and 9 in Sri Lanka. Pakistan’s Punjab province is larger in population than many other countries. So creation of a new province on administrative ground will helpful in service delivery, he said.

He said political stunt was initiated before every election for south Punjab province. South Punjab has huge potential of mangoes and cotton crops production and creation of a new province can make judicious use of these crops, he said.

Munir Ahmed Khan said new south Punjab should be created with national unity. He said new provinces should be made and there should be a referendum for creation of a new province. He said south Punjab province was used for political slogan only while new province should be created on population and resources distribution basis.

Abbadur Rehman said for the creation of a new province a proper strategy should be adopted. He said if south or Siraiki province name would be given to a new province then Bahawalpur province issue will emerge. He said new province should not be made on ethnicity and language grounds.