Friday March 28, 2025

Remedial measures for SMEs sought

By Our Correspondent
November 09, 2018

KARACHI: The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (Unisame) has urged the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to undertake prompt remedial measures to facilitate small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which effectively is the engine of growth, a statement said on Thursday.

“The sector expects positive and prompt remedial measures from the government and the going to do style needs to be replaced with fast work,” said Zulfikar Thaver, president of Unisame, in a message to Abdul Razzak Dawood, adviser to the prime minister.

“The SME sector needs priority by virtue of it being the majority sector, the engine of growth, the vehicle for employment, the back forte of the large enterprises and undoubtedly the tool for poverty alleviation.”

Thaver said that the sector needed access to financing at affordable rates, uninterrupted energy supply, reduction in duties on raw material, technical and marketing support and land at concession on deferred payment terms.