Friday September 06, 2024

Never forget dignity, respect of national flag

By Rasheed Khalid
September 21, 2018

Islamabad : Independence Day was always celebrated in Pakistan since 1947 but it entered our national culture in a big way in 1981.

It is always good to remember and celebrate our national days in befitting way but in our enthusiasm, we should not forget the dignity and respect which our national symbols like National Anthem and National Flag deserve.

It is a worldwide standard that sun should never set on the national flag of a country. That is why it is always hoisted in the morning, preferably with national anthem and wrapped down before sunset in the evening. It is an SOP be it the residences of holders of constitutional posts, offices of government buildings, ministers etc. Observed everywhere in the globe.

The only exception was the government of nominated Premier Muhammad Khan Junejo who in his enthusiasms to prove his democratic credentials, and stress civilian and parliamentary supremacy, announced that the National Flag at Parliament House will remain hoisted 24/7. The flag will not be lowered on seat of democracy (It is another matter that his own government was rolled back on May 29, 1988). Mr Junejo mounted so many floodlights over the flag that it was visible even at midnight from a distance as if the sun has not set on the symbol of democracy.

But the treatment we give to our Star and Crescent is not befitting. After the passage of Independence Day, even in the week preceding it, one can see paper buntings bearing National Flag roaming around in the streets and roads and being trampled under feet. ‘Baat tau such hay magar baat hay ruswai ki’. Additionally, the flag remains under darkness all the nights, contrary to standard norms, till its colour fades and it turns into rags and threads.

I think colourful buntings, posters, banners should replace the National Flags on the occasion. The Monsoon season is at its peak in August and adds salt to injury. It is only the invention of Panaflax that has given longer life to buntings, fags, banners and posters but still end is the same.

Another bad thing added to these celebrations is the way our youth celebrate it by taking out silencers from their motorbikes and cars and driving zigzag on the roads in clusters and three or four on a single bike. Violating rules do not signify independence. The practice sometimes leads to serious accidents, even fatal. And no one can deny the nuisance and noise pollution these vehicles create.

A friend quoted an octogenarian who had undergone the trauma of migration that included looting, arson, rapes and massacre in 1947 that “my heart bleeds when I see these youngsters forgetting the sacrifices rendered in the creation of this homeland for the Muslims.”

But there is always silver lining. This year, the impending threat of Climate Change looming large in South Asia has given a new direction. The floods, droughts and water scarcity can only be averted by planting more and more trees. This was certainly before the 10 billion trees announcement. A campaign was launched by cautious and conscientious citizens on social media to buy a tree instead of flag and plant it wherever you find a space. What a practical, futuristic and befitting idea indeed!

We should celebrate Aug 14 by planting trees and securing our future in this way instead of desecrating National Flags.

But a friend owning a nursery near Peshawar More had a new idea. As seen in the photograph, he first grew a tree and when it was hard enough, he hoisted a National Flag on it. Yes. This is the most appropriate way. If there is no water for our crops, as the Prime Minister Imran said, we will starve to death. Where will be our national security? We cannot eat tanks, bombers and frigates. Nor we can end our hunger by costly cars, air-conditioners and televisions. It is here that National Welfare State should replace Nation Security State paradigm.

So countrymen, first grow a tree during every plantation week and then hoist a flag two or three years after on it when it is mature enough during August 14s, even on 23rd Marchs, celebrations. In this way, you will plant and adopt a tree, water and fertilise it till it stands on its own feet, I mean roots.

It will give you the real pleasure of not only Independence Day but also of independence from inside your hearts of heart.