Saturday March 22, 2025

The PM House

August 26, 2018

This refers to the letter ‘A word to the PM’ (Aug 23) by Abdul Latif. I would like to make another suggestion: instead of converting the PM House into a university, it should be used to hold a one-week workshop for schoolteachers and students from all over the country. Students from different provinces will exchange ideas. To ensure that some do not take it as just a sightseeing trip, there could be a competition held at the end of each workshop. The test would be based on what is taught in the workshop. Since the PM House has enough land around it, dormitories could be built to provide accommodation to participants. There would be separate workshops for boys and girls, making it easy for parents to allow their daughters to attend. These workshops would also contribute positively towards inter-provincial harmony.

Syed Hussein El-Edroos ( Islamabad )