Sitara-e-Shujaat, Nashan-e-Imtiaz
It’s been long since we are witnessing non-ending foreign interference from various international inimical forces that have been trying to place Pakistan on the negative list and it for their own geo political motives.
Our leadership could foresee the hidden agendas in it and kept on falling as victim and getting the nation into deep challenges. We have landed in the present mess because the successive govts failed to provide nation with the long term doable policies.
We used to look upon Washington as if it is the boss and so today Washington looks down upon us like some inferior entity. USA has led the campaign against us which became evident through their recent inimical attitude towards us in FATF.
I was 14 years old when India attacked Pakistan in 1965 and we were directly affected by this attack as my village Jujjay is very close to the border. My family along with the other fellow families had to leave our houses as instructed by the Army because of the heavy shelling by Indian air force and its artillery.
I, being a child, was unable to understand the attack and village elders also failed to explain to me but this question went into silent mode which I understood later. Though we won the war of 1965 but as nation we could not consolidate ourselves and set the country on the right path of unity and tolerance. The division of the country made us a weak nation.
We witnessed another aggression on the sovereignty of Pakistan in 1971 that deprived us of half of our beloved country. I was student of BSc at that time so I could understand that India is all-out to demolish us yet we sustained the shock. This shock led the nation towards depression as well as lack of confidence in the leadership of the country.
The biggest jolt was sliding of the economy and we as a nation instead of creating sustainable and viable economy got trapped in non-ending net of foreign debts. The after effect of this debt is that we are under the debt of $200 billion and it is adding to our problems both in terms of economic and governance.
The rupee as predicted is sliding unhindered as the parameters and factors of sustainability are unable to hold it because of the increasing inflation, drop of growth, further local and foreign borrowing, debt servicing both at home and abroad. It is resulting into price hike which is affecting the common man.
The poor governance and performance of our economic advisors remained pathetic as economic advisors always boosted it by getting more loans to repay the loans but nobody thought to get rid of the loans and debt retiring.
The international financial institution including IMF and the World Bank work on the international agenda and one of their basic secret agendas is to take the indirect financial control of the borrowing country in order to regulate the taxes themselves as our national assets are already under mortgage with these institutions. The details of mortgage and debts are as under:
There is a total of $100 billion plus CEPC $67 billion external debt, internal debt is Rs19 trillion and total debt servicing at $6 billion on Pakistan. Our important national assets like Jinnah international airport Karachi, Peshawar-Faisalabad motorway, Faisalabad-Pindi Bhattian motorway, Islamabad-Peshawar motorway, Islamabad-Lahore motorway, PTV and Radio Pakistan have all been mortgaged to the external financial institutes like World Bank, IMF and others for repayments of debts.
The agenda is to destabilise Pakistan and now the West is eying on our nuclear abilities. The phenomena of al-Qaeda/Taliban and now Daesh are part of the same larger plan where India is being used for very long time. Now Afghan Intelligence too has joined RAW, as the present emerging wave of terrorism is part of their agenda to destabilise Pakistan.
Pakistan has suffered the most after 9/11 and is still suffering even though no Pakistani indirectly or directly was ever found involved in the incident. In fact, the investigation in the matters suggested in the 28 pages report that 15 boys from Middle East had carried out 9/11 but USA is yet more friendly with them whereas Pakistan is suffering despite zero involvement in the incident. It’s a pre set vendetta and hostile mindset that is tormenting Pakistan without its fault.
In another incident, on 22nd December 2001, a self-proclaimed al-Qaeda operative, Richard Reid flew from UK to USA carrying shoes that were packed with two types of explosives. He was subdued by passengers after failing to detonate plastic explosives concealed within his shoes. Reid was eventually arrested after landing in Boston and sentenced to 3 life terms plus 110 years without parole. He had strong links with Indian RAW and CIA. USA failed totally to prove or create his link with Pakistan.
India’s basic agenda behind creation of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has always been mainly to focus on Pakistan when its other intelligence network failed in 1965. The organisation started with 250 people and about $400,000 and now it has been expanded to several thousand personnel, yet its staffing and budget remain a secret. It is no more a secret that it was CIA that assisted in the creation of RAW and is still financing it to spread terrorism in Pakistan. It has also been allocated special budget to create unrest in Balochistan only to discredit Pakistan.
RAW played a significant role in the formation of Bangladesh along with the Indian army. It created, trained and armed Mukti Bahni, a group of extremists Bengalis fighting for the separate state of Bangladesh through disintegration of Pakistan. It has always been planning and executing covert operations inside Pakistan through proxies and terrorist networks.
Now it is attempting to further hit our economy through FATF using USA against us. Indian RAW lobbied with CIA against Pakistan lodging complaint with FATF to put Pakistan name on FATF’s blacklist by citing baseless and false charges. It sent a secretary-level delegation to Moscow on Jan 31 not to support Pakistan. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also asked Gulf countries, not to support Pakistan at the FATF. According to FATF rules, if a minimum of three members’ votes against the proposal, then it cannot go through. While the US worked on Saudi Arabia and Turkey, India dealt with China alone. Eventually, the Indian delegation, struck a deal with the Chinese team that related to support for FATF membership for Beijing in the future. Soon, all the three objections were removed and the proposal went through. It was simply our failure to not have the support of our friends.
Similarly, in Kulbhushan Yadev’s case, despite his conviction, we as country failed to act and now we are before the international court where we also failed to bring PM Modi to the international court as war criminal.
Unfortunately we remain on the defensive policy and some leaders of India played a game of hypocrisy but kept on advancing the agenda of RAW. The Indian policy coupled with West created havoc of war on terror via Afghanistan and resultantly the sense of instability and terror in fact scared the investor leaving heavy dent on our economy and now we are suffering almost in major sectors. We politically, financially and internationally suffer because of our non-collective national approach.
We have now alien finical aggression from IMF and World Bank coupled with State-sponsored terrorism from inside our eastern and western boarders. The imposed war on terror has cost us over $120 billion and more than 74,000 lives in last 15 years. The direct and indirect cost incurred by Pakistan due to incidents of terrorism has amounted to $126.79 billion. Hosting millions of Afghan refugees has not only burdened Pakistan’s economy but also imposed an additional stress on its internal security situation.
Pakistan is continuously suffering since the independence and India has never accepted us as a separate state leaving no stone unturned to damage Pakistan with his inimical actions. We as nation have begged for foreign debts, isolation from the world and volunteered both in Soviet Union- USA war and subsequently opted to the engineered war on terror where we are still suffering Afro- Arab-Pak terrorists all duly trained by American CIA.
Is this non-ending suffering really going to finish or every new govt will have no choice except for bowing before the world for more borrowings or we will stand with pride and say no to further loans? Let us we deal our challenges with a better proactive approach as that is the only way forward.
I had predicted in my article published on 26th June 2018 that this election will be of independent MNAs who will play decisive role in electing the PM. And now we are in the exact situation as the new PM is dependent of independent MNA so it partly mandate for PTI.
This new govt will also be a coalition govt and will start suffering the usual and undefined complications in the governance. Main issue regarding debt retirement/fiscal policies would again slip in the hands of IMF & World Bank.
Let us see what new approach would be brought by the new govt in making.
The writer is Chairman of think tank "global eye" & former Interior Minister of Pakistan. @Email: rmalik1212@gmail .com, Twitter @Senrehmanmalik, @GlobalEye_GSA, WhatsApp +923325559393
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