Friday March 28, 2025

Deep divisions

July 25, 2018

For the 2018 elections, many parties have presented their manifestos. In the past too, almost all parties talked about the eradication of poverty, but the reality show that the gap between the rich and the poor has widened to a great extent. This time too, party leaders have claimed to crush poverty and raise living standards of citizens, if they were to be in power. But, we don’t have any expectation. The truth is that the state of the country will continue to exist unless our elite rulers do away with their lavish lifestyle. Our leaders need to understand the nature of the problems faced by citizens. Do our leaders know that a majority of people do not even have access to clean drinking water and are deprived of basic necessities of life? The real democracy can only flourish if economic, social and cultural disparities are removed. Our leaders need to follow the following Confucius saying “Those who do not economise will have to agonise”.

Raja Shafaatullah
