Sunday December 22, 2024

Big rally today to mark first anniversary of Grenfell Tower tragedy

By Wadood Mushtaq
June 14, 2018

LONDON: A big rally is being arranged to mark the first anniversary of Grenfell Tower in London today (Thursday).

It was 14th of June 2017 midnight when hundreds of children, women and stranded people were sleeping in their sweet homes. That midnight brings a horrified moment for the families’ friends and relatives of inhabitants of Grenfell Tower. A long awaited disastrous year has passed but the victims are still waiting of the fact how incident took place and what action taken against the responsible.

In the year, families, friends, relatives and communities have been meeting every year at the scene of incident, they have been lighting the candles and shedding the tears in memory of their beloved ones. We could forget the loss of our beloved if we could know the fact of incident and responsible took in the court of justice” said the Muhammad Isaac, father of 3-year son.

Public inquiry had started on the initiate of Prime Minister Theresa May. Retired judge Sir Marten Moor was appointed as the head of public inquiry who met the public and officials numerously but couldn’t satisfied the anger of victims. He reviewed 2,67,000 papers provided by public and witness even then, allegations are continuously being lodged by the victims.

On demand of relatives of victims, two more members were appointed to boost the task of public inquiry. They started their job and now the public inquiry has become capable of announcement regarding the inquiry progress. The officials of Public inquiry are optimistic to announce the result of inquiry until October of this year.

On the other hand, police is also carrying on the investigation paroral to the public inquiry to get the facts regarding incident took place on 14th of June last year. Police has so far been arrested 9 people including a woman who were involved in fraud of getting the funds in the name of victims. During the year, 3 people were sent to jail who fraudulently got £12,500 in the name of their fake families. Police also charged another 4 people for committing fraud of getting money.

Police, during the year, 17 people arrested for allegedly getting total amount of £1,31,184 fraudulently in the name of their fake deceased families.

The Grenfell community has had to live with their loss and grief for nearly a year. But over the last two weeks they have let others in. It has been a draining, emotional, angry, uplifting but mainly desperately sad few days.

During the year, total 2,400 bereaved relatives, friend and families of victims were checked by National Health Service (NHS) for their mental health treatment. Out of them, 700 adults and children are currently being treated. The NHS has estimated to spend £10 million on the treatment during next two years.

Friends and relatives have bared their souls and shared their most intimate grief and pain with the world. Some have taken to the inquiry stage alone, others have come in large family groups. Some have stayed controlled, holding their emotions others have sobbed uncontrollably, unable to get the words out. In the year, there were the devotee Muslim who were also a food blogger, the woman who texted her mum every morning and night, to serve the survivors.

Many British Pakistani living in area have also been serving for the charity of victims and helping to get place for displaced along with the council’s officials. There also been arranged a 24-hour vigil to mark the first anniversary of the Grenfell. It has started as part of a series of events that will include a nationwide one-minute silence at noon on Thursday. On Friday, schoolchildren across the country are being asked to wear “green for Grenfell” to mark the anniversary, and raise funds for local charities. Schools are being asked to share their activities and photos on social media, using the hashtag #GreenForGrenfellDa.

Today (Thursday) a big rally has also been arranged to mark the first anniversary of Grenfell Tower. Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyan, Mayor of London Siddique Khan and much more will participate in the event.