Saturday September 28, 2024

PRA’s achievements praised

By Our Correspondent
May 31, 2018

LAHORE: Punjab Finance Minister Dr Ayesha Ghaus Pasha appreciated the efforts of the Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) in working to the best of their abilities and showing professionalism in achieving their targets and generating app-laudable tax revenues.

In a farewell Iftar dinner by Punjab Revenue Authority Chairman Dr Raheel Ahmed at PRA Headquarters, she acknowledged the PRA’s achievements and valued the determination of its officials in making it the success story of the Punjab government. She thanked PRA officials in good terms for all support they have been providing the Finance Department and the Punjab government. She said it was their revenue collections and target achievements which had always helped the provincial government in planning and initiating new development projects. In her farewell remarks, she stressed the need to introduce the culture of self-reliance and encouraged PRA officials to work with the same dedication for the betterment of the department, province and the nation. She said PRA had already collected Rs100 billion from its total target of Rs115 billion before the end of this month while in 2013-14 the total tax collected stood at Rs43 billion. She congratulated PRA officials and chairman in the achievement. She said measures were also being taken to introduce an online electronic payment system where all provincial taxes can be made via one single portal to facilitate the tax payers.