Monday March 24, 2025

Punjab doubles subsidy on fertilizer

By Our Correspondent
May 05, 2018

LAHORE: Just about three months ahead of general elections, the Punjab government has doubled subsidy on fertiliser.

According to spokesman for Agriculture Department, subsidy on Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) fertiliser has been doubled from Rs150 per bag to Rs300 per bag. Secretary Agriculture disclosed that the subsidy would also be given to all phosphoric Urea.

The government was taking steps to increase production as per demand of the country and GST was not being charged on DAP to control its prices. The subsidy will be provided in the form of vouchers which will be sealed in bags of DAP fertiliser. Farmers/stakeholders will type voucher number along with their CNIC number and send it to 8070 through SMS. A verification message will be sent to them and subsequently, the farmer will be able to avail a subsidy of Rs300 per voucher through mobile cash agents.

This subsidy is being provided to all farmers registered under the Kissan package. Unregistered farmers can contact Agriculture Helpline toll-free numbers 0800-15000 & 0800-29000 to register themselves and avail the subsidy scheme. Agriculture Department spokesman disclosed that the subsidy scheme will allow a reduction in the cost of production of farmers. DAP fertiliser usage will also help to increase per acre yield of crops and 5.2 million farming family will be benefitted through this scheme.