how a child was sentenced to death by an Anti-Terrorism Court without anyone drawing attention to his age. Pakistan’s laws, notably the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance of 2000, bar the award of the death penalty to juvenile offenders. It is also a fact that Shafqat’s state-appointed lawyer apparently failed to point out that virtually no evidence existed against him in the case he was sentenced for. His conviction came essentially on the basis of his own confession; this confession should never have counted considering it came after nine days of brutal police torture that Shafqat says he was put through. There is also a dangerous precedent when it comes to trying such cases as under the ‘terrorism’ umbrella. The government’s stated policy of executing ‘terrorists’ should not lead to cases such as Shafqat’s – who even jail authorities had publically acknowledged was not ever affiliated with any terrorist organisation – being handed over to the ATCs. That Shafqat was made part of the ATC points to a glaring flaw in our judicial system. We should also be taking a broader look at this system; at the discrimination that exists in favour of the rich who are able to use bribery, nepotism, better lawyers and in some cases the Qisas and Diyat law in their favour, paying blood money to escape death. Shafqat was not able to do this. He lacked the means to determine whether or not justice is truly meted out. The facts being discussed now should have emerged many years ago and prevented so many years of a life from being wasted. Justice will be delivered only when the legal procedure is followed. For now, Shafqat remains behind bars – once again waiting for a decision on his life.
Best Pakistan can do is take remedial measures and hope that world’s wealthy come to senses soon enough
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