Monday July 01, 2024

Judge hearing Sharif cases recommended 3 years extension

By Waseem Abbasi
February 28, 2018

ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court (IHC) has recommended for another three-year extension in the tenure of the Accountability Court Judge Muhammad Bashir who is hearing key corruption cases against former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his family.

After obtaining three-year extension in tenure, the Accountability Court No 1 Judge Muhammad Bashir was set to retire on 12 March, a day before the six-month Supreme Court deadline for the completion of corruption cases against Sharif expires. When contacted by The News, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Law, Barrister Zafarullah Khan confirmed that IHC letter has been received by the ministry. He however did not confirm whether the extension will be granted to judge Muhammad Bashir.

“Normally, the government accepts recommendations of the High Court regarding appointment of judges for the accountability court but this case is different as the judge in question has already availed one extension,” Barrister Zafarullah Khan said. He said the law ministry will send the letter to the President in next few days for the final decision.

The NAB Ordinance 1999 clearly fixes three years as the tenure of an accountability court judge. However Muhammad Bashir has completed six years on his post.

“A Judge of a court who is a serving District and Sessions Judge shall hold office for a period of three years from the date of his initial appointment as such Judge,” says section 5A of the NAB Ordinance.

The ordinance further states that “a judge who shall be appointed by the President of Pakistan, in consultation with the Chief Justice of the High Court [of the province] concerned, on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the President”. The Accountability Court No1 is focus of national attention as it is hearing four corruption references against ex-premier Nawaz Sharif, his family and former finance minister Ishaq Dar on the directions of the Supreme Court. While announcing its landmark judgment in Panama Papers case on July 28 the apex court had directed NAB to file references against Sharif and his family and ordered the accountability court to complete proceedings in six months. The Supreme Court deadline will expire on March 13 and the Accountability Court (AC) which is extremely over-burdened is likely to miss the deadline.

Currently, there is no judge in the Accountability Court No 2 of Islamabad and Judge Muhammad Bashir has to hear cases pertaining to his neighboring court. Apart from four Panama related references, there are more than 80 other references pending with the same judge. Dozens of defence witnesses have yet to appear before the court.