Since it first sent troops into Iraq in 1991, the US has waged constant war in the country and has spent tens of billions of dollars on ground invasions and aerial bombardments. Every problem Iraq faces today can be traced back to the actions of the US, be it the financial and military assistance it gave Iraq in the 1980s, the ruinous sanctions it imposed in the 90s or the occupation of the 21st century. Yet now the US does not want to contribute a dime to the recovery of the country. Ahead of next week’s conference in Kuwait on the reconstruction of Iraq, a US official has said the superpower is not planning on announcing any assistance. Instead, it expects the slack to be picked up by Saudi Arabia and private-sector investment. It is certainly true that Iraq’s Arab neighbours have a responsibility to step up since they too have been complicit in the destruction of the country. But the primarily responsibility still rests with the US. Involving private corporations is a terrible idea since they have no stake in helping Iraq and will only be in pursuit of a quick profit. US corporate giants have already made a killing through their exploitation of Iraq’s oil reserves and in rebuilding after the ouster of Saddam. Now they are being invited for a second bite at the cherry.
Reconstruction in Iraq is badly needed after years of civil war. The defeat of the IS and the regaining of territory by the Iraqi government gives the international community an opportunity to fulfil its obligations to a country it has let down so badly in the past. Once again, the onus should be on the US to take the lead. The reason the IS was able to emerge and find space in Iraq is because of the civil war the US invasion unleashed. Other countries in the region, especially Saudi Arabia and Iran, pursued their own regional ambitions with their involvement in Iraq and they too need to step up with concrete offers of aid. At the same time, this aid should not be political. Saudi
Arabia wants a rapprochement with the Iraqi government to reduce Iranian influence while Iran wants to maintain its position as the government’s main ally. But the urgent needs of the Iraqi people need to come first. Millions have died in the never-ending wars fought in the country and tens of thousands more could perish if the country is not given help to get back on its own feet. After decades of war, the international community cannot let down Iraq again.
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