Sunday March 23, 2025

Physical fitness

February 07, 2018

This refers to the letter ‘Smart bicycles’ (Feb 6) by Air-Cdre (r) Azfar Khan. While stationary cycles and e-bicycles may be used for cardiac rehabilitation, nothing beats walking. The latter is the best exercise devised by the nature for the man. In pedal-assisted cycles, while the legs get a lot of exercise, the arms essentially remain motionless holding on to the handlebar.

Working out on a treadmill is better since people can at least have a brisk walk and can adjust the pace to their liking. After all before the invention of wheels and motorised transports, people used to walk. E-bicycles are essential otherwise why would anyone want to manufacture them? It’s a different matter that an e-bicycle and a motorcycle cost the same.

Farid Nawaz
