HARIPUR: A teenage girl was allegedly raped by her close relative in a remote village in Khanpur tehsil, police said on Friday. District Police Officer (DPO) Syed Khalid Hamdani told a press conference that Sufiyan, a resident of Mohallah Achlar in Koay Maira village, allegedly entered the house of his paternal uncle Shah Dad Thursday evening when all the family members were away and Shah Dad's younger daughter, a 19-year-old, was alone.
Sufiyan scaled the boundary wall when the girl didn't open the gate. The accused, after forcing into her house, attacked the girl with knife and injured her slightly when she raised alarms for help. The victim was shifted to Tehsil Headquarters Hospital in Khanpur for medical examination by her brothers where the offence was initially proved.
A case under Sections 376 and 324 of the Pakistan Penal Code was registered against the alleged rapist. The accused was arrested Friday morning while his physical remand would be obtained from the court of judicial magistrate on Saturday. The DPO said an investigation team led by Superintendent of Police (Investigation) Shamsur Rehman had started the probe.
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