Wednesday March 26, 2025

Blame game

January 04, 2018

This refers to the letter, ‘Mind your language’ (Jan 3), by Laiba Naveed. The writer is absolutely correct that politicians of a particular party have made a habit of using foul language against each other. Almost all politicians are self-centred and put personal interests above the national interests. There hasn’t been a single day when we haven’t heard from a politician badmouthing against the other. Is this form of politics in the best interest of the country?

Another thing which is most likely to have a negative impact on the party is the lack of credibility of party leaders. They give different statements, but never stand by it. Politics is not about tarnishing the image of other politicians. It is about doing what is best for the country. Do our politicians have nothing else left to discuss? In the end, the price of this madness will be paid by the country.

M Younas Qamar
