Monday September 23, 2024

Muslims united for protection of Namoos-e-Risalat

By our correspondents
December 28, 2017

Lahore : A joint meeting of the leaders of more than 28 political and religious organisations of the country here on Wednesday announced formation of “Action Committee for Protection of Finality of Prophethood Law and Namoos-e-Risalat."

The meeting of political and religious organisations also issued a joint declaration which pinpointed that it was the responsibility of each and every Muslim to ensure Tahafuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat, and all the political and religious organisations of the country were united and committed for the protection of the finality of prophethood law.

The meeting participants also underlined that any bid to create divisions and anarchy within the Muslim Ummah would not be tolerated.

The declaration also expressed concern that the government had not yet made public the Raja Zafarul Haq committee report. It was also announced that Ulema and Mashaykh conventions in first week of January 2018 would be held. Political leaders and religious scholars of the country will be invited to the conventions, it said.

The participants announced that Friday on December 29 would be observed as "Youm-e-Tahafuz-e-Khatam-e- Nabuwwat and Namoos-e-Risalat."

Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, chairman, Pakistan Ulema Council (PUC), chaired the joint meeting of 28 political and religious organisations of the country.

Allama Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer stated that religious identity should be mentioned in the computerised national identity cards (CNICs). He also stated that unity of the Muslim Ummah was a must to contain the threats of US President Donald Trump.

Maulana Abdul Ghaffar Ropri of Jamiat Ahle Hadis Pakistan said that all the religious schools of thought of Muslims were united for the cause of the finality of prophethood law.

Maulana Ashraf Tahir of Ahle Sunnah Jamat stated that it was a matter of concern that the government had not yet made public the report of Raja Zafarul Haq. Maulana Shafi Qasmi of PUC said that PUC would continue its struggle for the protection of the finality of prophethood law.

Allama Zubair Zahid of Pakistan Ulema Mashaykh Council stated that faith in the finality of prophethood is the foundation of the Muslim Ummah. Allama Syed Safdar said that the elements responsible for making amendment to the declaration of finality of prophethood should be exposed.

Maulana Faheem ul Hassan Thanvi of Jamiat Ulema Islam said that the joint meeting was the emblem of Muslim unity and announced launch of a countrywide movement to expose the conspiring elements who attempted to amend the law of finality of prophethood.

PUC Secretary General Maulana Abdul Hameed Wattoo said the joint meeting of political and religious organisations on the call of PUC was witness to the fact that entire nation was united and committed to the cause of the finality of prophethood law.

Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi asserted that PUC had always had been on the frontline in confronting the challenges faced by the Muslim Ummah. The finality of prophethood is joint issue of the Muslim Ummah and some elements are making conspiracies to create anarchy and division on this very sensitive issue in Pakistan, he said. He demanded the government to make public the report of Raja Zafarul Haq. The meeting also adopted the different resolutions which said the political and religious organisations rejected threats of US President Donald Trump. The entire nation is united under the leadership of Pakistani security forces to contain the US conspiracies, they said.