Thursday June 27, 2024

Balochistan to become most developed province soon: PM

By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir
October 07, 2017

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has said that Balochistan would become the most developed and advanced part of Pakistan sooner than expected. The federal government will continue to play its role proactively for attaining the purpose.

The prime minister was talking to members of parliament belonging to the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) from Balochistan here on Friday at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). Federal Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Sheikh Aftab Ahmad, State Minister for Petroleum Jam Kamal Khan, State Minister for Science and Technology Mir Dostain Khan Domki were also present on the occasion.

The prime minister expressed his deep sorrow and condemnation over the Jhal Magsi bomb explosion at a shrine where a number of innocent precious lives were lost as the result of terror act. He prayed for the martyred and expressed his heartfelt condolence with their heirs.  Abbasi also discussed the ongoing developmental projects in various parts of Balochistan and pace of work on the same.

The legislators expressed satisfaction over the significance being attached to the development of the area and development projects of the province by the federal and Balochistan governments. 

They especially referred to the CPEC projects in Balochistan which are bringing a huge change in the life of the people of Balochistan. The law and order situation in the province also came under discussion during the meeting.